J.T. Ellison, New York Times Bestselling Author

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1.24.16 - Sunday Smatterings

Hi, chickens! Keeping warm, I hope? It_snowed_a_lot in Nashville, the most in 13 years (I got a little more than 10" at my place — a triumph!). It's great motivation to stay inside because, as you know, I'm busily writing away, trying to finish the next Nicholas Drummond book. But I do love looking at glistening trees and flakes slowly falling. The world feels so quiet and peaceful.

Here's what happened on the Internets this week:

It takes discipline to write: it really does. There are some days when the words flow out of me, and other days, I feel my muse is still sipping her morning tea, taking her sweet time to arrive as I beg her to show up. I'm always curious to see what others' writing experiences are like, so I really enjoyed this: the daily word counts of 39 famous authors. (I try for 1000/day.)

Speaking of deadlines... did you know there's a fancier word for procrastination? Akrasia. And this is why we don't follow through on what we set out to do. Fascinating stuff.

Why yes, Sam Heughan, I will replay this clip of you reading Burns poetry 10 times today. And tomorrow. And the next day...

Harlequin is in the wine business! Have you tried any of these yet? I love the bottles.

I'm sure you'll be shocked to hear that many of us suffered mightily from Blue Monday. Here's how you beat it. And a thought -- it you have any kind of Seasonal Affective Disorder, you may have a Vitamin D deficiency. You may want to add a supplement in during the long winter days, and see if it helps.

Do you enjoy browsing your local indie store? I do. I love walking in, chatting up the staff and getting their recommendations. Which is why I was so eager to help out another one of my favorite indies in need: Seattle Mystery Bookshop. If you want to help save a great neighborhood indie store, visit their Go Fund Me page

And closer to home:

Heads up: the first two Samantha Owens books are now available in one convenient digital package. (And for only $5.99, too!)

Oh! Would you like a free ebook? My publisher for NO ONE KNOWS is giving free ebooks to peeps who sign up to be fans of my Simon & Schuster author page.

And like I said earlier, I mused about the agonies of deadline. Don't get me wrong—I love my job. Love it, and am grateful for it every day. But man, deadline takes a lot out of you, and there are some days I walk around like a zombie. 

On The Wine Vixen, we learned that boxed wine can actually be delicious (YEP) and how to make mulled wine, a perfect snow day drink. Mmm... 

And don't forget: if you're looking for Snow Day reads, you can get free samples of all the books on Two Tales Press!

Alright, loves, that's all I've got for you. Stay warm, read all the things, and I'll talk to you soon!


P.S. Don't forget to enter my January contest: I'm giving away a signed hardcover of THE FINAL CUT and other goodies!