J.T. Ellison, New York Times Bestselling Author

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Sunday Smatterings

Hello, everyone! Hope you're having a fine summer day. It's hard to believe Nashville schools are back in session. I, for one, refuse to end summer just yet. When I was growing up, we went back the Tuesday after Labor Day, a schedule I've stuck to my whole life. Granted, this year the schedule is a little odd because of the book release moving up, so we've swapped our dates for tour and vacation, but otherwise, lots of new beginnings ahead. It will be great to turn in a book and have the Fall staring at me, full of endless possibilities. Plus, my work/life balance is out of whack and it's time to get it in order.

I'm curious, are your kids back to school? Do you love this week, or hate it?

Onward to the latest and greatest links!

Here's what happened on the Internets this week: 

The Calm of Everything as it Should Be. Read this twice. Seriously. Despite next week's looming deadline, I took Thursday morning off to do some tidying. I felt so much better having everything in its place. It helps to declutter, and if you're embracing minimalism, it makes your house a constant source of joy. But this is about so more than just straightening your house. It's a new way of life, one I wholly endorse.


Goodreads and the Crushing Weight of Literary FOMO.  I get this, I really do. I read so much, but I so rarely have the chance to read what everyone else is reading when they're excited about it. I try, though I'm already thinking 2019 might have to be the year I put my book buying on hold and try to catch up on my ridiculous TBR, instituting a new rule -- I will only buy a new book if I'm going to read it immediatley.


What "Life Pro Tip" have you learned from Reddit that you still use every time the situation presents itself? Seriously good stuff here.


Steven Soderbergh and the Artist’s Journey. "The artist’s journey can be pursued on an hour a day." It's true, peeps. If you want the artistic life, you make time for it. Period.


NASA assigns commercial crews to fly on Boeing, SpaceX spacecraft. Incredible — and long overdue. It still boggles my mind that we're paying $70 million plus to Russia every time one of our astronauts catches a ride to the ISS.


August’s Best New Thrillers - 7 Great New Thrillers and a Classic Clancy Bonus. TEAR ME APART is in good company! I still get verklempt seeing my name among the luminaries. I hope that never ends.


Giving Up Control at Work. Excellent life lessons for better work flow regardless of managerial status. Leigh and I talked this week about how much I enjoy delegating (Yes, you sense sarcasm there.) But when you have the right people, people you trust to do the work right, it's easy to cede control, knowing they're handling things. It's been a great life lesson for me.

And closer to home:

Here's something special for you. Join my new Facebook group J.T. Ellison's Literati for book news, giveaways, glimpses into my writing life, and the chance to talk about the books you love (not mine...). We promise all kinds of bookish fun! 

Look at all these thrillers! Enter the BookSweeps giveaway to win a copy of the latest Brit in the FBI -- THE SIXTH DAY, Catherine's brand new Savich and Sherlock PARADOX, an ereader, and 25+ other thrillers!

I was so thrilled to learn Modern Mrs. Darcy included TEAR ME APART on her list of 24 much-anticipated new titles to add to your fall To Be Read list. What an honor -- and what a great list of books!

That's all for now! Check your email for the August newsletter, sharpen those pencils, harvest the last of your tomatoes, and I'll see you next week!

peace and hugs,