We have giveaway winners!
Alyssa Aguilera
Tracy Boulet
Vicki Thompson
Congrats, ladies! Email me your addresses and I'll get the book in the mail this week.
More housekeeping - a new poll has gone up on the Facebook page. Who's your favorite character in the Taylor Jackson series? Click here to take the poll.
Don't forget the Haunted Contest, which is open until October 1.
And I also have a free short story on the Facebook page, if you're interested. It's called KILLING CAROL ANN. You can find it on the bottom of the page.
Launch Saturday was a blast. We had fantastic cake, and a really nice time. Greg and Mary were amazing as always, and the cake was luscious! It's cool to have a local crowd because you can go into some of the details that are lost on folks not from Nashville, so we all had a few good laughs. Mostly at my expense, the best kind!

Took yesterday off to catch up on this poor house - straightened, planted some trees, did laundry, the works.
And then had a good solid work day today. Another 150 pages of revisions done, which means I only have 150 to go - so hopefully I can be finished by end of the day Wednesday, leaving all day Thursday for a last read through! Tomorrow is another local signing for WHERE ALL THE DEAD LIE, this time at Barnes & Noble in Cool Springs (7-9) and a dentist appointment. Hopeful that the gas will give me great ideas.
Had to kill Firefox as my browser today, which really broke my heart. I've been a Fox since the very first days, but the new update creamed my system. That plus something hinky with Mozy, and things just screeched to a halt. I think my MacBook Pro may be getting a little long in the tooth, or overwhelmed, or both. It's had two software upgrades (Snow Leopard and Lion) and multiple other software updates (Office 2008 - Office 2011, iLife, etc.) This is one thing I miss from PCs - being able to defrag and clean things. If y'all know a way to do that on a Mac, lemme know.
So I switched to Chrome, spent an hour getting things reset, and so far, so good. Safari runs terribly slow on my machine, which I know is counter to what should be happening, but I've just been too busy to worry about it. Chrome is slick and quick, so that's where I'll stick for now. Also switched to Carbonite as my main backup, though I need to get Time Capsule ASAP.
If you're a Mac, what's your favorite backup systems?
Off to make some penne with turkey arrabiata. Have a great night!