Sunday Smatterings

Smatterings - December 30.png

It’s hard to believe this is the last Smatterings of 2018! But there you have it. Time marches on, whether we want it to or not. I, for one, am ready for the new year to be upon us. After a very quiet holiday week, the first Christmas I haven’t worked in over a decade, I’m feeling rested, and ready to tackle the new year.

But I’m trying to be very careful about stepping right back onto the merry-go-round I’ve found myself on the past few years. I’m a goal-oriented kind of girl, sometimes to my detriment. If there is anything I want to change this year, it’s allowing myself some grace when it’s clear I’m not going to meet a goal. And to only have goals going forward that are attainable. The ones I can’t control are going on a totally new list: desires. Needs and desires. Two very different concepts that I will explore further in my annual review.

Now, let’s take a look at the latest links!

Here's what happened on the Internets this week: 

The Night Hunter S. Thompson Might Have Given Me Writing Advice. “‘If you want to be a writer, you’ve got to meet Hunter,’ Marco said. Then he added, ‘But whatever you do, do not agree to get in his car and go back to his house. We are not going back to the house.’”

What Should I Read Next Ep 164: The couple that reads together ... needs to find books they'll both LOVE. So cool to hear Anne Bogel recommend A DEEPER DARKNESS! This is a fantastic podcast, and Anne’s blog, Modern Mrs. Darcy, is a delight.

From the lovely Ann Hood: Five Books Filled with Food.

Charles Dickens Couldn't Stop Tinkering With 'A Christmas Carol.' What writer can’t relate to this???

Did Lao-Tzu and Confucius Know Each Other? There’s a reason my blog is called the Tao of J.T... I discovered the Tao Te Ching in college and felt an affinity right away. Loved this article.

18 Bullet Journal Tips And Tricks To Make 2019 More Productive Than Ever. I have a new notebook coming that I want to use as a variation of the bullet journal - more on that once it’s underway!

'I just stood there and cried': The Card Man's gifts keep coming months after his death. Such a wonderful story! What a legacy.

Favorite Books Of 2018:

This week, I shared my Favorite Books of 2018! This was a great reading year for me—thanks to adding audiobooks to my repertoire, I was able to read 100 books. My list of favorites is longer than normal but there were so many great books to choose from! What’s one of your favorite books of 2018?

That’s it for now. Raise a glass to a friend, declutter one drawer, make a resolution that will be good for you, and I’ll see you next week! And next year! Happy New Year!

peace and hugs,


J.T. Ellison

J.T. Ellison is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than 25 novels, and the EMMY® award winning co-host of thJoss Walkere literary TV show A WORD ON WORDS. She also writes urban fantasy under the pen name Joss Walker.

With millions of books in print, her work has won critical acclaim and prestigious awards. Her titles have been optioned for television and published in twenty-eight countries.

J.T. lives with her husband and twin kittens in Nashville, where she is hard at work on her next novel.

My Favorite Books Of 2018

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2018 was an incredible year for books. I had set a goal of 80 books, based on my 2016 and 2017 tally. But with the advent of my newfound love of audiobooks, I was able to read 100 books this year. Because I had so many more books to choose from, my list of favorites is a bit longer than normal. But there were SO MANY great books!

Audiobooks are marked with an asterisk...

Tied for 1st… THE WINTERS and CIRCE

THE WINTERS by Lisa Gabriele

This is sheer and utter perfection. A modern retelling of Rebecca, with incredible writing, character development, and a modern edge. I loved it, and you will too. This is tied with CIRCE as my favorite novel of the year.

*CIRCE by Madeline Miller

I listened to this one, and let me tell you, there was something magical about hearing Circe’s story told in such an inventive new way.  It was like taking class in mythology, with all my favorites mentioned and explored. This is tied with THE WINTERS as my favorite novel of the year.

I MISS YOU WHEN I BLINK: ESSAYS by Mary Laura Philpott

Many of you know Mary Laura as my cohost for A Word On Words, but she is so much more. This incredible essay collection, out in February 2019, will cement her alongside Elizabeth Gilbert, Dani Shapiro, and Anne Lamott, the writers I turn to for help tapping into the female/writer experience.


Dynamic, compelling, and totally twisted...What a mind Wendy Heard has. What a debut! It is so bloody unique!!

ALTERNATE SIDE by Anna Quindlen 

Anna Quindlen has always been a favorite of mine, and this book doesn't disappoint. I absolutely love her newest, and the Upper West Side setting is exactly what I needed. I miss New York!

SORORITY by Genevieve Sly Crane

It’s very fitting that this author’s middle name is Sly, because that’s the perfect description of this book. A series of conjoined vignettes, it tells the story of a sorority from the inside out, the good, the bad, and the ugly – and wow is there a lot of ugly. The writing though – it is perfect, sparse, descriptive, incredible. I haven’t been this excited about a debut author’s possibilities since SWEETBITTER. I’ll be watching for Crane’s work in the years ahead. 

TWO DARK REIGNS by Kendare Blake

Oh, how many good things can I say about this series? I love it, love the inventiveness, and the direction it’s heading. These books are spectacular, and this latest installment in the series is especially wonderful.

THE THREE BETHS by Jeff Abbott

Jeff Abbott has turned his considerable skill to the domestic suspense genre and THE THREE BETHS is the epitome of what a suspense novel is supposed to be. You’re going to love this!


Simply brilliant. Heartbreaking. A lovely story, full of everything you need to have all the feels. I cried twice. Amazing.

*THE BROKEN GIRLS by Simone St. James 

I listened to THE BROKEN GIRLS and it’s fabulous – dark, sinister, haunted – and has rekindled my love of the boarding school mystery. I blame Simone for my 2019 offering…

THE LOST QUEEN by Signe Pike

I had the joy of meeting Signe Pike at SIBA 2018 and found a Scottish sister. This incredible tale of Merlin’s sister is brilliant and an instant classic.


NINE PERFECT STRANGERS is a fantastic book and it relaunched one of the greatest book clubs to grace the online world: She Reads. You should definitely check them out and join the conversation! I was lucky enough to see Liane Moriarty in person and she was simply magnificent - so self-deprecatingly funny.

RUSH by Lisa Patton

A thoughtful look at the southern Greek system, and also wickedly funny. Lisa Patton tackles a tough subject—the lack of benefits and job opportunities for the sorority housemothers—with grace, and hope. This story is a must read.

BECOMING MRS. LEWIS by Patti Callahan

I’m so incredibly delighted to see this book finally out for you to read! BECOMING MRS. LEWIS is a labor of love. It is a joy and a seminal moment for a really incredible team of women: my friend Patti Callahan Henry and Joy Davidman. I think you’re going to love it!

*YEAR ONE by Nora Roberts 

YEAR ONE is super storytelling, inventive and scary. I loved the new direction in Nora’s writing, the apocalyptic world building, and the appreciation of magic.


This wonderful essay collection from the sharp-witted Helen Ellis (author of one of my all-time favorite novels, EATING THE CHESHIRE CAT) is a perfect look at how ladies can navigate this modern age with a dose of southern graciousness thrown in. Plus, learn the real meaning of Bless Your Heart. Available April 2019.

ELON MUSK: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future by Ashlee Vance 

This biography of Elon Musk is incredible. I have learned so much, both about Musk and the exciting technologies going into Space X. A must read for anyone who is curious about where the future is headed.

What are your favorite books of 2018?

Favorite Books Of 2018 |

J.T. Ellison

J.T. Ellison is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than 25 novels, and the EMMY® award winning co-host of thJoss Walkere literary TV show A WORD ON WORDS. She also writes urban fantasy under the pen name Joss Walker.

With millions of books in print, her work has won critical acclaim and prestigious awards. Her titles have been optioned for television and published in twenty-eight countries.

J.T. lives with her husband and twin kittens in Nashville, where she is hard at work on her next novel.

TEAR ME APART is on sale for $2.99

TEAR ME APART is on sale at all digital retailers! This is the first time it’s been on sale. Get it for only $2.99 while you can.

About the book:

The follow-up to her critically acclaimed Lie to Me, J.T. Ellison’s TEAR ME APART is the powerful story of a mother willing to do anything to protect her daughter even as their carefully constructed world unravels around them.

One moment will change their lives forever…

Competitive skier Mindy Wright is a superstar in the making until a spectacular downhill crash threatens not just her racing career but her life. During surgery, doctors discover she’s suffering from a severe form of leukemia, and a stem cell transplant is her only hope. But when her parents are tested, a frightening truth emerges. Mindy is not their daughter.

Who knows the answers?

The race to save Mindy’s life means unraveling years of lies. Was she accidentally switched at birth or is there something more sinister at play? The search for the truth will tear a family apart…and someone is going to deadly extremes to protect the family’s deepest secrets.

With vivid movement through time, TEAR ME APART examines the impact layer after layer of lies and betrayal has on two families, the secrets they guard, and the desperate fight to hide the darkness within.

Download the eBook



J.T. Ellison

J.T. Ellison is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than 25 novels, and the EMMY® award winning co-host of thJoss Walkere literary TV show A WORD ON WORDS. She also writes urban fantasy under the pen name Joss Walker.

With millions of books in print, her work has won critical acclaim and prestigious awards. Her titles have been optioned for television and published in twenty-eight countries.

J.T. lives with her husband and twin kittens in Nashville, where she is hard at work on her next novel.

Kindle Daily Deal: TEAR ME APART

Did you get an ereader or Amazon gift card for Christmas? Perfect timing because TEAR ME APART is on sale for the very first time! Take advantage of today’s Kindle Daily Deal and get it for only $2.99.

About the book:

The follow-up to her critically acclaimed Lie to Me, J.T. Ellison’s TEAR ME APART is the powerful story of a mother willing to do anything to protect her daughter even as their carefully constructed world unravels around them.

One moment will change their lives forever…

Competitive skier Mindy Wright is a superstar in the making until a spectacular downhill crash threatens not just her racing career but her life. During surgery, doctors discover she’s suffering from a severe form of leukemia, and a stem cell transplant is her only hope. But when her parents are tested, a frightening truth emerges. Mindy is not their daughter.

Who knows the answers?

The race to save Mindy’s life means unraveling years of lies. Was she accidentally switched at birth or is there something more sinister at play? The search for the truth will tear a family apart…and someone is going to deadly extremes to protect the family’s deepest secrets.

With vivid movement through time, TEAR ME APART examines the impact layer after layer of lies and betrayal has on two families, the secrets they guard, and the desperate fight to hide the darkness within.


J.T. Ellison

J.T. Ellison is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than 25 novels, and the EMMY® award winning co-host of thJoss Walkere literary TV show A WORD ON WORDS. She also writes urban fantasy under the pen name Joss Walker.

With millions of books in print, her work has won critical acclaim and prestigious awards. Her titles have been optioned for television and published in twenty-eight countries.

J.T. lives with her husband and twin kittens in Nashville, where she is hard at work on her next novel.

Sunday Smatterings

Smatterings - December 23.png

Greetings, salutations, and warm hellos! I come to you from the land of new kittens! No, I didn’t add to the minions, I’m visiting my parents and their new baby, who is adorable! Her name is Jazelle and she has very similar marking to my girls. And just as much of a troublemaker as her cousins. And loud! My goodness, she is a squeaker. I’m besotted.

Last night, I sat down with my bullet journal to plan out my holiday break. There are 11 to-dos. 11. 🙄 It included two new habits I want to start (meditation and yoga) and the annual review compilation, clearing out email and Instapaper… nothing that can’t wait for a week. So… I scrapped it. Tossed it out. Yes, I have a few things I need to do, but I am going to wait until after the holidays. Take a few days to lounge on the couch and read. Eat some Christmas cookies. Play with the new kitten. Stow away my relentlessness.

One of the most common questions I (and every other author) gets is: how do you come up with your ideas? Because everyone has an imagination and impulses, which is the heart of story ideas, I interpret this question slightly differently. I think it is actually a genuine curiosity about how I can marshal said story into days on end spent at the laptop. Where do you come up with your ideas becomes how do you have the discipline to take a random idea and create a novel out of it? Did you see the D-word in that sentence? It’s about the discipline. Writing is discipline. Any creative endeavor is.

But… it can be taken too far. So that is one of my major goals for 2019, allowing myself to take time off, to recharge, without the crazy guilt that permeates the lives of every self-employed person — too often, if we aren’t working, we feel like we’re shirking our responsibilities. And when your office resides between your ears, it’s sometimes hard to turn it off. But I will try (see meditation and yoga, above.)

Tomorrow is Christmas Eve. One of our family traditions is to burn bayberry candles in memory of those who can’t be with us, those who’ve passed. It’s clearly a pagan solstice tradition that’s been coopted into our Christmas, which I love. Lighting the candles makes me cry, but it also brings such peace and strength. I’m sending you all wishes when I light the candles this year. Wishes for your own peace, and strength. Love, and harmony. Happiness, and joy. This is a hard time of year for so many. Just know someone is thinking of you.

Now, let’s take a look at the latest links!

Here's what happened on the Internets this week: 

Seattle high-school teacher shares ‘the wonder of books’ with students on a different kind of field trip. Such an incredible idea!

The Bigger, Badder 2019 Book Tracking Spreadsheet. This is super thorough, if you’re curious about tracking what you read.

 Watch the First Trailer for Marie Kondo’s New Netflix Show. What do you think? I can only Kondo my things so much before I push the box back into the closet…

Your 2019 Literary Adaptation Preview. So many books are being adapted for TV and film! Which are you looking forward to?

New study gives some handy tips on how to survive on Game of Thrones. Where are my dragons???

Female-Led Movies Have Outperformed Male-Led Movies for the Last Three Years. I would love to see some book stats with these parameters. There have been a LOT of hugely successful female-driven genre books this year….

What I’m Reading:

Speaking of new habits…. let’s talk about habit. I’ve now both read and listened to this beautifully compiled work of art. Twyla Tharp takes an intellectual approach to building habits, with a deep dive into the history of art and its greatest creators. I adapted her one box for each project method years ago, and still stick to it.

You must read it. Do the exercises. See what comes of your newfound enlightenment. Let your mind dance. You won’t regret it. 

That’s it for now. Eat some gingerbread men, cozy up with a blanket, some tea, and an excellent book, remember to breathe, and I’ll see you next week!

peace and hugs, and Merry Christmas!


J.T. Ellison

J.T. Ellison is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than 25 novels, and the EMMY® award winning co-host of thJoss Walkere literary TV show A WORD ON WORDS. She also writes urban fantasy under the pen name Joss Walker.

With millions of books in print, her work has won critical acclaim and prestigious awards. Her titles have been optioned for television and published in twenty-eight countries.

J.T. lives with her husband and twin kittens in Nashville, where she is hard at work on her next novel.