
I have not been writing.

God, I hate to admit that.

But it's true.

And it's becoming readily apparent to the folks around me, because I've been getting grumpy.

It's the two weeks leading up to the book launch, and as such there are many things to do. Blogs to write, newsletters to send, speeches to give. Hair to color, nails to get manicured, outfits to plan. Appearances and television and radio and signings and a conference - all in the span of two weeks. I'm already sick of myself, and I've been at it for exactly 24 hours.

It's crazy making, especially for introverts like me who get very run down being on, on, on. Sparkle! Author Girl is in da house! I adore it while I'm doing it, but when I'm done, I literally collapse.

And in all that, I sometimes lose sight of the end game. The only real responsibility I have is planting my butt in the chair, opening the manuscript, and writing.

I took the opening chapters of the sandwich book to my critique group last night. They loved it. Loved it so much that all I wanted to do was run home and dive into the pages and create, create, create!

But right now, my time is not my own. For the next few weeks, my time belongs to you - you lovely creatures!

I had my first major event yesterday - I spoke at Ingram - and a more wonderful group of people you can't ever hope to meet. They were fabulous - laughed in all the right places, made me feel like I sort of knew what I was talking about. I signed a ton of books and felt like maybe I could pull this off after all.

Because truly, if you're an introvert writer like me, you have a tendency to worry that you'll say or do something idiotic at just the wrong time. Hmm, is that introversion, or just being a geek?

The first time I talk about a book in public is terrifying. Terrifying. But it went really well. I was bummed that I didn't remember my very funny making anecdote until today.... but at least I'll have it for the rest of my talks. 

I'm off to create the newsletter, in which we will have a contest, and a prize, a simple one this time, but a prize nonetheless, and put together the photo slideshow, and... and... and....

And maybe, just maybe, I can sneak in some actual writing time this weekend. : )

Anything y'all are particularly interested in hearing about related to WHERE ALL THE DEAD LIE? Ask away!


These are the kind of emails that make you tear up and give you throat lumpies. From Goodreads... me and all of my favorites in one spot. Jeez.

Here are this month's new releases from authors on your shelves and your favorite genres. Enjoy!


by Laura Lippman

Release Date: September 1

Some secrets can’t be kept. . . . Years ago, they were all the best of friends. But as time passed and circumstances changed, they grew apart, became adults with families of their own, and began to fo...more

by Harlan Coben

Release Date: September 6

A young adult debut from internationally bestselling author Harlan Coben

Mickey Bolitar's year can't get much worse. After witnessing his father's death and sending his mom to rehab, he's forced to liv...more

by Lee Child

Release Date: September 29

by John Connolly

Release Date: September 1

Randall Haight has a secret: when he was a teenager, he and his friend killed a 14-year-old girl.

Randall did his time and built a new life in the small Maine town of Pastor's Bay, but some...more

by J.T. Ellison

Release Date: September 20

In her showdown with the murderous Pretender, a bullet taken at close range severed the connection between Taylor’s thoughts and speech. Effectively mute, there’s no telling if her voice will ever com...more

Upcoming Events

I have a number of upcoming events in support of WHERE ALL THE DEAD LIE I thought I'd share with you. Hope to see you on the road!

September 13, 2011 2 pm
Live Radio Sirius/XM Channel 80
with Kim Alexander

September 15-18, 2011
Bouchercon 2011
Spirits of St. Louis

September 15, 2011 1-2 pm

September 16, 2011 2:30-3:30 pm

September 17, 2011 3-4 pm
MURDER IN THE STACKS: St. Charles City County Library Mystery Event
Middendorf-Kredell Library
2750 Highway K, O'Fallon, MO

September 20, 2011
Where All the Dead Lie on sale

September 22, 2011 5-7 pm
Literary Libations
(Every 4th Thursday)
Union Station Hotel Bar, Nashville TN

September 24, 2011 2-4 pm
Launch Party
Mysteries & More
Lenox Village

6965 Sunnywood Drive, Nashville, TN

September 27, 2011 7-8 pm
Reading and Signing
Barnes & Noble Cool Springs
Cool Springs, 17101 Mallory Lane
Brentwood, TN

September 30, 2011 7-8 pm
Reading and Signing
Reading Rock Books
122 N Main St, Dickson, TN

October 14-16, 2011
Southern Festival of Books

October 22, 2011
Books by the Banks
Duke Energy Center
525 Elm Street, Cincinnati, OH

October 27, 2011 5-7 pm
Literary Libations
(Every 4th Thursday)
Union Station Hotel Bar, Nashville TN

November 17, 2011 6-7pm
Evening with an Author
University Club of Nashville
2402 Garland Avenue
Nashville TN
Please RSVP to:

November 24, 2011 5-7 pm
Literary Libations
(Every 4th Thursday)
Union Station Hotel Bar, Nashville TN

January 14, 2012 10-4 pm
Coffee County Manchester Public Library
1005 Hillsboro Boulevard
Manchester, TN

April 12-16, 2012
Romantic Times

June 4-8, 2012


So much to do, so little time.

We are finally home. It's raining and cloudy, a little cool. The cat has taken up permanent residence in my lap, and I'm plowing through a to do list that is longer than my arm. The new book launches in just 15 days, which means between now and 9.20.11, there are billions of things to do.

But today is Labor Day, the official end to summer. When I was growing up, Labor Day meant the pool closed, we had a huge barbeque for the whole park, and school started Tuesday.

I still stick that that schedule. I'm a September to August planner rather than January to December.

So tomorrow begins my new year. Today is the catch up day - email, interviews, essays, schedules. Tomorrow, I start fresh. A clean slate.

With that in mind, I like to read over this great essay by Thom Singer. My DH first showed it to me, and it encapsulates my mindset, my attitude, and my goals. I thought I'd share it with you today. Happy New Year!

41 Things I've Learned By 40

June 8th marks my 40th Birthday. Here are 41 pieces of advice that I have learned along the way:

41. Don't worry too much about what others think about you.

40. Everyone has an ego. Tread lightly as to not bruise them.

39. Nothing produces results as much as taking action.

38. Don't gossip. What you say will always find its way back to the person.

37. People do business with people they know and like.

36. Jealous and petty people are just part of life.

35. Say "please" and "thank you". It will make you stand out from the crowd.

34. When you need help, ask someone.

33. Having written goals is an important step [toward] achieving your dreams.

32. Over using credit cards will stall your financial future.

31. A supportive spouse is worth her weight in gold, and then some.

30. A true friend is excited for you about any event that makes you happy.

29. True friends are rare and should be cherished.

28. No job is secure. Have a "plan B"

27. Always find the best in others people. Do not focus on their flaws.

26. You are not what you drive or what you wear. Do not judge others by their cars, clothes or zip code.

25. You are a "brand". No matter what you do it effects your reputation.

24. Luck does not happen by accident.

23. Start saving money when you are young. 10% of your income should always go to your 401K.

22. Dedicate time to think about your future. Know what success looks like.

21. You cannot love your kids too much!

20. Treat everyone with respect. You never know when they might circle back into your life.

19. If you are not knowledgeable about wine...Don't fake it.

18. Be-friend your competitors.

17. Regardless of your political beliefs - attend a presidential inauguration once in your lifetime. The whole thing is very cool.

16. Find a mentor.

15. Be a mentor.

14. Staying physically fit gets harder as you get older. But do it anyway.

13. You do not have to be smart to be successful. Tenacity trumps intelligence.

12. Having a strong network of professional contacts is the best career safety net.

11. Read a lot of books, magazines, websites, blogs and newspapers. Knowledge is power.

10. Writing a book is hard work. Promoting a book is harder work.

9. Develop your public speaking skills. Join a Toastmasters group and participate actively for two years.

8. There is no substitute for integrity.

7. Have friends who challenge you to be a better person.

6. If you know someone who wrote a book, read it. The biggest compliment you can give an author is to read what they wrote.

5. Helping others always come back to benefit you.

4. Find a good lawyer, accountant and banker before you need them.

3. Learn to cook.

2. Opportunities exist. You just have to look for them.


#1 - Those who have achieved REAL success in life (financially, emotionally and spiritually) will never criticize your dreams and aspirations. Instead they will look for ways to share their own experiences to help lift you up to higher levels. Successful people are rarely jealous and welcome the achievements of others.

As with all free advice....remember, you get what you pay for.

Have A Great Day.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Thom Singer