Sunday Smatterings: Extended Edition

Sunday Smatterings 1.21.18

Hey, chickens, how's it going? We're thawing out in Nashville, thank goodness, at a balmy 60 degrees. We had snow on the ground two days ago—talk about weather whiplash!! That's the South for you, though. The seasons are constantly at war, no matter what time of year it is. 

Except for summer. Then it's hot for ten thousand years until we all melt into a puddle of salty sweat.

Last week was an interesting work week. I'm waiting for edits from my editor and suddenly figured out... I've turned in two books in less than a month, and I'm starting a new novel in two weeks, and I didn't quite know what to do with myself. So I slept, a lot, then began a new secret project. (Don't you just love when I dangle that carrot? It wouldn't be fun if I didn't surprise you every now and then, would it? 🥕) You and I know each other pretty well by now—I can't sit still for more than two seconds. 😂 I guess it's not the worst trait to have.

I did sit still for some great videos, though. All thought provoking and, in some cases, life-changing. It was a week of strong women begetting stronger women for me and the nation, and I'm feeling quite full of roar right now. #girlpower

Lots to cover this week (including an EBOOK SALE 🎉), so let's get cracking!

Here's what happened on the Internets this week:

Anything is Pawsible for These Literary Pups. Sometimes you need a gripping read. And sometimes you just need a cute puppy that gives you a happy ending. Which literary pup is your favorite? 

The Manual of Southern Know-How: When to Write a Thank-You Note. The wonderful author of AMERICAN HOUSEWIFE and DEAD ENDS contributor Helen Ellis dishes on thank-you note etiquette in her wry and witty way. I love her. 

Romantic Times Announced the Reviewer's Choice Award Nominees. And THE DEVIL'S TRIANGLE made the list!!!!!!!! 🎉 And in such great company, too!

Backwards books on shelves are becoming a thing. I love me some minimalism, but I wonder: is this too much?

Don't be like me, the passport idiot. If you're a world traveler, read this article. We ran into this non-expiration expiration problem once, too. If you don't have a passport office closely, you're in trouble. Nashville's closest is Atlanta. Also an issue...

Delightful artist drew a portrait of him and his girlfriend in 10 different cartoon styles and they're all perfect. Boyfriend of the Year material right here. 

Best opening lines from contemporary authors. I love a good opening line, don't you? Something that clutches your attention and doesn't let go throughout the entire novel is the best way to escape. These might give you some ideas for your TBR pile...

And here's your #girlpower:

Joan Didion: The Center Will Not Hold is magnificent, and this essay from the New Yorker does it justice. The documentary is illuminating, sad, surprising, and inspiring. In a winter of discontent, Didion's work might just be the ticket to understanding our world's many cycles. At the very least, it's a great primer on what it takes to be a writer—a desire for passionate observation.

What all writers should learn from Wonder Woman. A ten-minute watch, and well worth your time. It explores  the concept of Bathos, which is important to your storytelling skills.

Ellen Pompeo, TV's $20 Million Woman, Reveals Her Behind-the-Scenes Fight for "What I Deserve." I could gush for hours about this interview, for a thousand reasons! But I’ll make a single point: women have to approach their creative self worth differently.

Shonda Rhimes' TED Talk: My Year of Saying Yes to Everything. If you click on one link this week, let it be this one. I don't care where you are in life, this is applicable to you. It will stop you in your tracks and ask you to evaluate where you are and where you want to go. Utterly captivating and necessary.

And closer to home: DISCOUNTED EBOOKS!!!



Bargain Shoppers: the stars have aligned and given us not one, but two killer ebook discounts. Stock up on your binge reads, chickens! The winter is long, and your easy chair is calling.

LIE TO ME – $2.99

This USA TODAY bestseller chronicles the disintegration of a marriage as grief, jealousy, betrayal and murder destroy the facade of the perfect literary couple. 

ALL THE PRETTY GIRLS (Lt. Taylor Jackson #1) – $1.99

The novel that started it all. Revisit Taylor, Sam, and Baldwin in their first tale as they race to catch the sadistic Southern Strangler. If you're looking for a book with a badass female hero, this is for you!

That's it from me! Y'all be good this week, pop some popcorn and watch The Sinner (my current TV binge—so good), rub a kitten behind the ears, and we'll talk again soon.



J.T. Ellison

J.T. Ellison is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than 25 novels, and the EMMY® award winning co-host of thJoss Walkere literary TV show A WORD ON WORDS. She also writes urban fantasy under the pen name Joss Walker.

With millions of books in print, her work has won critical acclaim and prestigious awards. Her titles have been optioned for television and published in twenty-eight countries.

J.T. lives with her husband and twin kittens in Nashville, where she is hard at work on her next novel.