Sunday Smatterings

Smatterings - November 29.png

Happy Sunday, friends!

One of my greatest joys is the day after Thanksgiving. Not because of Black Friday, but because it is sanctioned from on high that we eat pie and bacon for breakfast. I know that sounds like a silly thing to feel joy about, but I am firmly in the camp of if it makes you happy, do it, especially this year. The day after birthdays also sees this familial dispensation, when we enjoy cake and bacon. It feels like such an indulgence, and such a wonderful way to ease out of a holiday/special event. The leads ins are so dynamic and chaotic, I feel like it’s improper not to give the day a farewell kiss, preferably on both cheeks.

I was telling my dad that thanksgiving dinner is analogous to novel writing in so many ways.


(Oops - Jordan wanted to say hello. I figure cats don’t often have a voice, so why not let her words stand?)

Let’s try that again. Novel writing analogous to Thanksgiving dinner. Right. You spend hours making a dinner that’s consumed in less than 15 minutes. Authors spend a year(s) writing a book that a reader consumes in a day. All that work for such a short period of enjoyment. 

And yet...

How many holiday meals stay with you? And I don’t mean on your hips. 

How many books have stayed with you? 

Quickly, off the top of your head, tell me five works that stand out to you, that you will always remember reading for the first time, that you think about regularly—days, weeks, years after you’ve finished them?

I’ll go first:

Outlander - Diana Gabaldon

Critical Space - Greg Rucka

Lolita - Vladimir Nabokov

The Eagle - Alfred, Lord Tennyson

Hills Like White Elephants - Ernest Hemingway

Well, that was an interesting exercise. I should really include Plato’s Republic, specifically Chapter VII, the allegory of the cave, which spoke to me so deeply in college and continues to resonate with me all this time later, but that’s more of a concept... no, it counts because it shaped how I approach the page. So that’s six stories, poems, books, and theories that have shaped me as a writer and a person.

What about you?

In other news, the bookcases are done, the boxes unloaded, and my library ladder installed (though I still need to stain it.) Trust me when I say I am inspired every time I enter my office, which is EXACTLY what I needed from my new space—an inspiration wall! I’ll post a pic on my Insta feed later today.

Lots of fun links this week, so…Onward!


Kick off your holiday season with GOOD GIRLS LIE! It’s on sale for $2.99. At The Goode School, secrets and lies are just the beginning.

Get your copy:



Dolly Parton, Rachel Bloom & More Of Your Favorite Celebs Have New Memoirs. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to what’s been published this month. So many books I want to read…

Your Local Bookstore Wants You to Know That It’s Struggling. “We’re really trying to get the message out, to help customers understand that not just for bookstores but local retailers and local restaurants, if they want them to be there when the pandemic over, they have to support those businesses now.”

Also, for Small Business Saturday, here is a list of books recommended by many of your favorite authors! (Hint: WORLD OF WONDERS is in there…)

On Becoming Grateful. I love the story of the glass being too full.

46 Books Our Favorite Indie Booksellers Were Grateful For This Year. I love seeing the books that booksellers highlight!

12 YA Thrillers Perfect for Any Time of Year, Not Just Halloween. These sound great!

The Gift Of Time. "Creativity is a boost to mental health. By creating something fresh, you will not dwell endlessly on negative thoughts and will take pride in your accomplishments."

Here Are All 56 Original Nancy Drew Books, Ranked Worst to Best. Brilliant, hilarious, and totally on-point.

Training Facial Recognition on Some New Furry Friends: Bears. Fascinating! My brother sent me a bear sighting near his neighborhood this week - it hurts me that we’ve invaded their habitat so thoroughly.

Virtual Library Tour: Newnham College, University of Cambridge. Beautiful! I love Cambridge, so much. I would love to live there for a few months…

15 Gifts for the NaNoWriMo Writer in Your Life. Some tangible ways to encourage NaNoWriMo writers...

Don’t forget: Goodreads is giving away 25 Advanced Reader Copies of HER DARK LIES!

That’s it from me. Let me know what works stand out to you, don’t forget how much your local animal shelter needs helps this winter, and let’s show our bookstores some love this weekend! I’ll see you next Sunday!

Peace and hugs,


J.T. Ellison

J.T. Ellison is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than 25 novels, and the EMMY® award winning co-host of thJoss Walkere literary TV show A WORD ON WORDS. She also writes urban fantasy under the pen name Joss Walker.

With millions of books in print, her work has won critical acclaim and prestigious awards. Her titles have been optioned for television and published in twenty-eight countries.

J.T. lives with her husband and twin kittens in Nashville, where she is hard at work on her next novel.