Sunday Smatterings

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Happy Sunday, friends. Greetings from the western command, aka my hometown in Colorado! 

Yes, I bit the bullet and made the trek to see my parents. My dad’s birthday is today (HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DADDY!), and I decided not to miss it. Hey, 86 revolutions around the sun is something to celebrate. We’ve had a great, quiet, socially-distanced, antibacterial-laden few days. Plus... THE NEW BOOK IS DONE! I turned in the final draft, and now the book is going to galleys and out for review. (GULP) We still have to do a proper copyedit and final page passes, but it’s time for me to look forward to what’s next.

And maybe get back to reading. I’ve struggled with my reading all year. COVID and deadlines have conspired against me. I’ve found some amazing books that I really connected with, but there has been a surprising number that I’ve started, then abandoned. Even titles from some of my all-time favorite writers are failing to keep me engaged. It’s not them, it’s me, without a doubt. I’ve even slowed on my movie and TV consumption. There has been so much upheaval this year, with more to come, for sure. (More on that next week 🙂)  I hope that in the weeks ahead, I’ll find the connection again. Do you ever have dry spells like this? 

That said, we watched one of my favorite movies last night—DAVE—one of those perfectly idealistic views of what Washington, DC and the presidency could look like, littered with the reporters and pundits and politicians of my youth in cameo appearances. If you haven’t seen it, I highly encourage you to try. It’s sweet and one of the better interior White House settings (though the presser at the end breaks with the real press briefing room.) Hollywood rarely gets the interiors right—take West Wing, for example. Nope. Not even close. Welcome to my random weird pet peeve. 

Big week ahead, with the release of GOOD GIRLS LIE in mass market Max (buy links below). I LOVE the new size and shape. It sits well in the hand and falls open in the way of a beloved, well-read book. What’s also cool is there is a monster of a secret surprise in it—so grab your copy and get in on the secret!


Book News

GOOD GIRLS LIE comes out in mass market paperback max on Tuesday! I got my copies and I absolutely love this new format. So easy to hold! Make sure you preorder your copy—you’ll enjoy a nice surprise in the back.


Only one day left to get LIE TO ME for $2.99!

If you haven’t read WHERE ALL THE DEAD LIE from my Taylor Jackson series, you can enter to win it in this Lethal Attraction: Romance Suspense giveaway! Plus 50+ exciting Romantic Suspense novels from a great collection of authors and more.


Rebecca Movie First Look Images Show Off Netflix’s Hitchcock Adaptation. October 21 can’t come soon enough!!! I’m so, so excited about Armie Hammer as Max.

How to Start a Long-Running Mystery Series From Scratch. Great advice! I’m curious, do you prefer standalones or series?

It's Time to Radically Rethink Online Book Events. What have you liked about the virtual book events you’ve attended?

To Live Alone in the Woods and Write. The dream, right? Or is it… our reality???

It's Time to Demystify the Serial Killer. Great piece from wonderful writer Catherine Ryan Howard.

8 Thrillers Told From Multiple Points of View. Great list! Do you prefer multiple POVs? I can’t seem to write without them.

How Many Books is Too Many? Ask the World's 10 Biggest Libraries. Jaw-dropping numbers, but really, such a rhetorical question.

Joan Didion’s Favorite Books of All Time, in a Handwritten Reading List. I love this kind of thing.

Hemingway’s Advice on Writing, Ambition, the Art of Revision, and His Reading List of Essential Books for Aspiring Writers. So much inspiration here.

Meg Tucker Talks With Author J.T. Ellison. Loved this book club chat with my pal Meg!

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Speaking of reading… Here's how my TBR is shaping up for August! So many amazing books. Which one should I read next? I’ve already conquered CONFESSIONS ON THE 7:45, which was one of the books that really landed with me.

What are you reading?

That’s it from me. Wish my dad a happy birthday, reminisce about your hometown, wish me luck on the big week ahead, and I’ll see you next week!

Peace and hugs,


J.T. Ellison

J.T. Ellison is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than 25 novels, and the EMMY® award winning co-host of thJoss Walkere literary TV show A WORD ON WORDS. She also writes urban fantasy under the pen name Joss Walker.

With millions of books in print, her work has won critical acclaim and prestigious awards. Her titles have been optioned for television and published in twenty-eight countries.

J.T. lives with her husband and twin kittens in Nashville, where she is hard at work on her next novel.