Sunday Smatterings: The Kerr Edition!

Sunday Smatterings 3.4.18

Hey, folks! The Kerr here, reporting for duty while J.T. is on sabbatical. She's been in Florida this week. I'M NOT JEALOUS OR ANYTHING.


Let's talk about fun stuff on the Internet!

What I'm Eating

This toasted sesame ginger seasoning is magical. I am serious, you guys.

I tried it at my friend Laura's house. Laura lives in Florida, which means she knows how to make good fish—I think it's a state law. Laura rubbed this seasoning on some ahi tuna, seared each side for two minutes, and voilà. I am telling you, it was one of the most amazing things I've ever eaten. So simple. So delicious.

Since Laura is a saint, she sent the seasoning home with me. This week I sautéed some broccoli and garlic, and sprinkled this stuff on top. 

Game. Changer.

What I'm Playing

I listened to Jon Acuff's new podcast, Creative Slide. If you don't know Jon, you should fix that. He's a hilarious guy who's written a slew of nonfiction about how to grow as an artist and business person.

(PS: I think Jon's goal is to be the Stephen Pressfield of the next generation. He too loves The War of Art—one of J.T.'s favorite books!)

Jon's first guest is prolific screenwriter Brian Koppelman, the co-creator of Showtime's Billions (which is fantastic) and some movies I know you've seen: Rounders, Runaway Jury, Ocean's Thirteen, among others. Jon and Brian have an easy rapport, which made their conversation, despite poor sound quality, a good listen. They talked hard work, insecurity, and the reason creatives should help other creatives. I even listened to Brian's interview with Jon three years ago on Brian's own podcastthat's how much I enjoyed listening to them talk. 

What I'm Reading

I just started Barbara Brown Taylor's Learning to Walk in the Dark. I've heard some of my favorite writers talk about how lyrical Taylor's writing is—and they're right, she doesn't disappoint. Very poignant stuff so far.

What I'm Watching

The Brit streak continues! I just started Death Comes to Pemberly on Netflix. Have you read the book? I didn't, but I'm making up for it. The show stars Matthew Rhys as Darcy, which is basically why I'm watching it. I like Jane Austen as much as the next girl, but I love The Americans even more. (The Book Nerd police are probably going to revoke my card now. 😬 Don't hold it against me, Anne Bogel.)

Matthew Goode is also in Death Comes to Pemberly. He's a dashing young lad who's been in basically every British show in the past decade, but has also starred alongside Mr. Rhys in a highly underrated program called The Wine Show. Which is exactly what it sounds like—utterly delightful.

And I don't care if he's married to Keri Russell—I love Matthew Rhys.

I'm *ahem* going to get off my soapbox now. 


Dog of the Week

Somebody is thrilled it’s Friday. 🤗

A post shared by J.T. Ellison/The Kerr til 4/1 (@thrillerchick) on

Eaten anything good? Watched anything great? Let's chat about it below in the comments! 


J.T. Ellison

J.T. Ellison is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than 25 novels, and the EMMY® award winning co-host of thJoss Walkere literary TV show A WORD ON WORDS. She also writes urban fantasy under the pen name Joss Walker.

With millions of books in print, her work has won critical acclaim and prestigious awards. Her titles have been optioned for television and published in twenty-eight countries.

J.T. lives with her husband and twin kittens in Nashville, where she is hard at work on her next novel.